Find your home in Dominican republic and chat live with the developer company

Frequently asked questions and answers

All the services offered on the platform are free, without exception.
No. Our platform is based on providing you with real estate information that you can afford to buy and is of interest to you. You can immediately contact the promoter companies through an online chat maintaining your privacy for as long as you want. Inform you about who the sellers of these companies are and the assessment they have based on the opinions of other clients like you.
Within this platform you will find a web chat, with the same features as any other chat. As soon as you receive messages from the promoter companies, we will communicate it to you through your email so that you can maintain live communication with them.
All you need is access through your Facebook or Google account. You can access from the beginning or whenever you want to communicate with a company.
There is no use limit. You can contact the companies you want, as long as you do so responsibly and respecting the terms and conditions of use. You will have access to all your chats on your profile and you will be able to save your favorite projects to be able to comment on it with your family and friends. with some company.


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